Watercolor painting of distant buildings in street scene
We will now paint the buildings on the right hand side of this street scene.
Make the distant ones very light and not so distinct with the watercolor leaning towards the blue grey (e.g. Cobalt Blue with a touch of Burnt Sienna and then as your move towards the edge of the paper add more pigment to strengthen the mix and warm it up with warmer colours (Burnt Sienna, French Ultramarine (instead of Cobalt Blue), Alizarin Crimson. Keep varying your watercolors.  The tree is painted using Cad Orange. With swift expressive brush strokes leave highlights on the closer buildings to hint at windows and high lit parts of the walls.
I paint underneath the awning with French Ultramarine, Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Sienna leaning towards the blue. I leave some highlights here too.
I run some of the building watercolor into the front of the car and tram to connect them with the bigger shapes. Let this part of our street scene dry fully.
Continue to: Street Scene Landscape Watercolor Painting – Step 4