How to paint distant hills on the coast
We will now look at how to paint distant hills on the shoreline with a mix of French Ultramarine, Raw Umber and a touch of Alizarin Crimson. Use plenty of water at around the same consistency as a week cup of tea. Paint some of this shoreline into the middle distance shoreline area. This will allow the middle distance hill to look natural, rather than having a sharp dark or light edge if you just paint the distant shoreline just up to the edge of the middle distance one. Let it dry completely.
Remember watercolour glazes are additive, this means that if you put one layer of paint over another then the tones add, so if you have a strong wash and you put another glaze over it of the same but lighter color (after the first wash has fully dried), the effect will be that the painted area’s tone will get stronger.
Now paint the middle distance hill, with the same colours as were used in the distant hill, only use less water in the mix to strengthen its consistency and hence its tone. Use the side of the brush to create the impression of trees on the hill. Add a little Burnt Siena to the hillside to give its surface some variety. Paint this up to the edge of the foreground hill. As this hill will have a little highlight area at the front, do not paint over it as you did with the distant shoreline.
Let it dry.
Continue to: Painting the foreground hill and cliff on the shore